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闻捷诗 路易艾黎译

Nightingales Have Flown
Wen Jie (1923-I971)

     Nightingales have fown,
     catrying with them their intoxicating songs;
     the young man has left,
     with lingering longing in his eyes.
     Nightingales have fown to the horizon
     where stands a graceful white birch forest;
     the young man has crossed the Tianshan Mountains,
     and reached   the golden oil city.
     A nightingale has flown to the sky,
     turning its head to look at a mate;
     the young man climbs to the top of an oil derrick,
     hoping to see his sweetheart in the distance.
     Nightingales are nostalgic for Turfan,
     the land of sweet grapes and clear springs;
     the young man loves his old home
     where the girls are gentle and beautiful.
     Nightingales will fy back
     when spring comes again;
     and the young man returns home
     when he has become a real oil man.
                             (C. 1953)
            --路易艾黎《大路上的光和影》中国现代诗选 新世界 1984


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